Sunday, March 9, 2014

How to add a single file to an existed GitHub repository

So today, after finishing the required editing about my forthcoming published tutorial on JCG, I wanted to push the final compressed project in the corresponding GitHub repository.

Here is a full guide of how he do something like this:
  • Firstly, locate Git Shell to the directory of the local repository
  • Ensure that you have the right "version" of the remote repository by pulling it: git pull
  • Add the file that you wish to push: git add [filename]
  • Commit changes (it is recommended to also submit a commit message, something that can be done with the -m parameter): git commit -m "your commit message"
  • Push changes to the remote repository: git push
And here's a full screenshot of my effort - yes, you did make it clear; I made a mistake (tried to push without having my repo pulled first) just to demonstrate how helpful is the error handling provided from the shell.
And a personal statement: Finally, I have to admit that learning Git wasn't a pain at all.

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